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Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies
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Christian Lange
Léon Büskens
Maurus Reinkowski
Rebecca Empson
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Forum Transregionale Studien: Europe in the Middle East - The Middle East in Europe (EUME)
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Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
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Doctoral Students' Blog
"Instruments Built by the Planets"
"Wer redet ist nicht tot": Zum Thema Islam (-wissenschaften)
1. Mai - Berlin Kreuzberg
Bahar Baser & Aleksandra Lewicki: "The Turkish referendum thwarts civil rights struggles – in Europe and in Turkey"
Besnik Sinani: "Entertainment as a Marker of Religious Reform in Saudi Arabia"
Central Mindanao, Philippines: “Mamasapano: Who do we condemn? Whose lives matter?”
Die verpasste Revolution
Frisch nach Deutschland umgezogen
Hanna Nieber: “Drinking the Written Qur’an: Scripture and Healing in Zanzibar Town”
In Kairo herrscht der Widerspruch
Jannis Grimm: "Al Sisis Hofstaat: Hintergründe zum Wahlergebnis in Ägypten"
Jannis Grimm: "Convergent Authoritarianisms in Egypt and Turkey"
Jannis Grimm: "Falsche Solidarität Militärischer Aktionismus in Syrien ist moralisch falsch und wenig effektiv."
Jannis Grimm: "Kaum eine Wahl: Ägyptens Parlamentswahlen zementieren die autokratische Ordnung"
Jannis Grimm: "Menschenrechte in Ägypten: Die ausgeblendete Krise"
Jannis Grimm: "Repression and restriction: Egypt's civil society on the defensive"
Mareike Transfeld: "Der Jemen-Krieg: Ein Nationalstaat zerfällt"
Mareike Transfeld: "Soziale Medien - Befreiungstechnologie oder Propagandainstrument?"
Mareike Transfeld: "Yemen’s transition to political stability was doomed to fail. Here’s why."
Max Kramer: "Azadi „von“ Indien oder „in“ Indien? Kaschmiris posten auf Facebook zur Politik der Postposition"
Nigerian Election 2015: Hope after Despair
Religion and the Nigerian Election
Salma Siddique: "Signs of Solidarity"
Sara Abbas: "Why It Matters That Ahmed Mohamed Is Both Black and Muslim"
Silvia Ilonka Wolf: "Commemorating and Thinking with Clifford Geertz in Rabat: the comparative study of Islam in Morocco and Indonesia fifty years after 'Islam Observed'"
Soheb Niazi: "Reclaiming 'Manliness': Reflections on growing up in Delhi"
Soheb Niazi: "The Politics of Imagining (in) Urdu in Contemporary India"
Thomas Schad: "In Bosnia (I)"
Thomas Schad: "In Bosnia (II): on traditions and naming"
“What is Art History when the Primary Sensory Organ is the Heart?”
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Contributions to Edited Volumes
"Mehr als nur ein Projekt, sondern gute Beziehungen". Partizipation als Grundlage für Empowerment
"Money-Making is Their Prime Concern". Markets, Mobility, and Matrimony among South Indian Muslims in Colonial Southeast Asia
"That you Be Brought Near.". Union beyond the Grave in the Arabic Literary Tradition
'A Secular Age' and Islamic Modernism
A Shrine gone Urban. The Shrine of Data Ganj Bukhsh, Lahore, as a City within the City
A Socio-religious Analysis of Abdul-Ganiyy Adebayo Alabi’s Arabic Plays
A “Golden Generation”?. Framing the Future Among Senior Students at Gülen-Inspired Schools in Urban Tanzania
Abbasid Poets and the Qur’ān
Abū Hāshim al-Jubbāʾī’s (d. 321/933) Theory of “States” (aḥwāl) and its Adaption by Ashʿarite Theologians
Abū Hāshim al-Jubbā’ī
Accumulating Trust. Uyghur Traders in the Sino-Kyrgyz Border Trade After 1991
Ahmad al-Tijani and His Neighbors. The Inhabitants of Fez and their Perceptions of the Zawiya
Ambiguous Jokes. Nasreddin Hoca, Afandi and Folklore Studies
An Annotated Bibliography of Responses to 'A Secular Age'
Anti-Feminist Discourses and Islam in Malaysia
Antworten: Michael Bongardt
Applying the Lens of Mobility to Media and Gender Studies. An Introduction
Approaching Edirne. Dis-/Connections and Attractions
Arabische Literatur
Art and Architecture in a global context. A conceptual approach
Aslına Bakılırsa, Sahipsiz Kalmış Durumda’. Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi’nin ‘Terk Edilmiş Mülk Kanunu’ Görüşmelerinde Metin ve Altmetin (1921-1922)
Aspects of Craft in the Arabic Book Revolution
Aswāq al-Dhahab and the Classical Maqāmāt. A Comparative Study
Au-delà de la crainte de la femme musulmane voilée
Barelwi movement
Bayna Qurṭuba wa-Nīsābūr. Buzūġ al-Ašʿariyya wa-tawaṭṭud arkānihā (al-qarnān al-rābiʿ wa-l-ḫāmis al-hiǧrī/al-ʿāšir wa-l-ḥādī ʿāšr al-mīlādī)
Between Cordoba and Nīsābūr. The Emergence and Consolidation of Ashʿarism (Fourth-Fifth/Tenth-Eleventh Century)
Beyond Europe. New Perspectives on the Great War
Beyond the Individual Twitter Debate
Books within books: The link between Damascene reuse fragments and the Qubbat al-Khazna
Bridging the Social with What Unfolds in the Psyche
Brokerage and Interpersonal Relationships in Scholarly Networks. Ibn Ḥaǧar al-ʿAsqalānī and His Early Academic Career
Building and Destroying Authenticity in Aleppo. Heritage between Conservation, Transformation, Destruction, and Re-Invention
Can poetry change the world?. Reading Amal Dunqul in Egypt in 2011
Challenging Orders. Ṭarīqas and Muslim Society in Southeastern India and Laṅkā, ca. 1400–1950
Challenging the Hagia Sophia. The Selimiye Mosque in Edirne as Ottoman Empire Branding
Changing Perceptions along the Frontiers. The Moving Frontier with Rum in Late Medieval Anatolian Frontier Narratives
Checkpoints ans the Gendered Policing of Nation-State Boundaries in Southern Thailand
Colonial Capitalism and Javenese Transcolonial Labor Migration in Insular Asia
Commutes, Coffeehouses, and Imaginations
Contested sovereignties along the Syrian border (1921-1939)
Crossing at Irkeshtam. Kinship and border trade between Kyrgyzstan and China
Das Great Game. Asien als Bühne eines imperialen Machtkampfes
Das Schicksal der Bücher von Bsorino im Turabdin während des Sayfo, des Genozids an den syrischen Christen
Daylamī, Muḥammad b. al-Ḥasan
Deobandi movement
Der Koran "europäisch"gelesen: Überlegungen zum spätantiken Horizont des Koran
Der abwesende Dritte. Die Darstellung des Islam im Titulus V des Dialogus des Petrus Alfonsi
Designing Edirne’s Heritage Trail and Turkish Oil Wrestling
Dhimma Space and its Governmental Relevance. The Protection-Relationship (Dhimma) between Imām Yaḥyā Ḥamīd al-Dīn (1869-1948) and the Yemenite Jews revisited
Dialogue and Autobiography. Ibn al-Hayṯam’s Kitāb al-Munāẓarāt
Die "Entdeckung des Bösen" im Koran?. Überlegungen zu den koranischen Versionen des Dekalogs: Überlegungen zu den Versionen des koranischen Dekalogs
Die Autopsie des Mondes. Vom kosmischen Körper zum kalligraphischen Prophetenbild
Die Autorität von Identität. Geschichten aus Mittelasien um 1900
Die Kategorie der Religion: Ein macht- und herrschaftsanalytisch vernachlässigter Begriff in der Politischen Theorie
Die Nachfolge des Propheten Muḥammad. Sunnitische und schiitische Perspektiven aus dem Tunesien des frühen 10. Jahrhunderts
Die liberale Reformbewegung in Saudi-Arabien. Analyse und Übersetzung der Reformpetition vom 2. Februar 2007
Die türkisch-osmanische Bibelübersetzung
Die vielen Namen des Koran. „Offenbarung“, „Inlibration“ oder „Herabsendung“ und „Lesung“?
Die ‚muslimische Frage‘ in Europa. Aporien der Anerkennung unter liberal-säkularen Bedingungen
Disciples of the New Digital Religions
Distorting Digital Citizenship: Khaled Said, Facebook, and Egypt’s Streets
Domestic, Religious, Civic?. Notes on Institutionalized Charity in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Dämonisierung und Einverleibung. Die "musilimische Frage" in Europa
Early Arabic Philologists. Poetry's Friends or Foes?
Earth, society and sustainability. A tragedy of responsibility?
Eastern Shrines and Western Values. A subjective (self-) reflection on why Western and Western educated scholars have neglected state run Pakistani shrines
Education for Leadership: The YMCA in Late Imperial Ethiopia, 1940s-1970s
Egypt Is Not For Sale!. Harnessing Nationalism for Alliance Building in Egypt’s Tiran and Sanafir Island Protests
Ein vieldeutiger Bezugspunkt. Die Bedeutung heiliger Schriften in Bildungsprozessen
Eine "religiöse Mutation der Spätantike": Von tribaler Genealogie zum Gottesbund. Koranische Refigurationen pagan-arabischer Ideale nach biblischen Modellen
Entwicklung im Schatten militärischer Sicherung
Epistemologien der »muslimischen Frage« in Europa
Erzählen im arabischen adab. Zwischen Fiktionalität und Faktualität
Pamirs at the crossroads. Changing challenges and perspectives
Expanding the Toolbox. Discourse Analysis and Area Studies
Exploring Islam in the Americas from Demographic and Ethnographic Perspectives
Factual Narrative in Medieval Arabic Literature
Female Sainthood Between Politics and Legend. The Emergence of Bibi Nushin of Shibirghan
Female roles in socio-political changes in the Middle East and North Africa. An appraisal of major tendencies and trends in the last two decades
Five Pillars of Islam, The
Framing Istanbul. Resonances of the Photography of James Robertson in Envisioning the Istanbul Landscape
Framing Muslims or reframing the questions. Notes on the "Muslim question" in Europe
From "'rational" to "Sufi Islam"?. The changing place of Muslims in Tamil nationalism
From Himalayan dilemma to climate change dilemma?. Challenges for high mountain development
From upscaling to rescaling. Transforming the Fergana Basin from Tsarist irrigation to water management for an independent Uzbekistan
Fusion and Disruption. A Sufi Pilgrimage to the Basilica of Guadalupe
Für eine Methodik des Zu-Zweit-Forschens. Erfahrungsbericht eines Dialogs
Gender, Justice and Rights. The Malaysian Case
Gender-Based Barriers to Access to Health Care and Medicine. The Case of India and China
German Muslim federations. Zentralrat der Muslime in Deutschland and Koordinierungsrat der Muslime
Global Heroism as a Discursive Tradition. A Critical Response
God in the World of Man. Hans Jonas‘ Philosophy of Religion
Gruppensolidarität und Intoleranz: Rašīd Riḍās ambivalenter Gebrauch von taʿaṣṣub
Hashish and Food. Arabic and European Medieval Dreams of Edible Paradises
Hashish and Homoerotic Desire in Pre-Modern Arab Society
Heinrich Freiherr von Maltzan's "My Pilgrimage to Mecca". A Critical Investigation
Hero and/or Villain? The 99 and the Hybrid Nature of Popular Culture’s Production of Islam
Historical geography of the Pamirs
Homes and Colonial Violence in the Dutch East Indies. The Coolie Pondok
I. Dünya savaşı Suriye’sinde Şiddet Hafızası
Il Cairo, tra realismo e allegoria nella narrativa di Nağīb Maḥfūẓ e ʿAlāʾ al-Aswānī
Im Garten der Lüste
Im Land des Meeres. Der Persische Golf im Spiegel zeitgenössischer Kunst
Immigration and Cinema: Q-Team
Imperialism, Buddhism, and the Secular in 19th-Century Siam. Notes on Provincializing Secularism
In der Sackgasse. Ägyptens Menschenrechtsorganisationen im Visier des Sicherheitsstaates
In the Path of the Ancestors. The Ba 'Alawi Order and the Struggle for Shaping the Future of Islam
Inder in Südostasien
Indonesian Art in the Periphery. Contemporary South Sumatran Lacquer Art
Indonesien: Figurationen von Vielfalt in Einheit
Infrastructure and Community. Lessons from two decades development initiatives on the Xinjiang side of the CPEC
Inscribing Authority. Scribal and Archival Practices of a Safavid Decree
Institutionelle Diskriminierung. Rechtliche Möglichkeiten in Deutschland und Großbritannien
Intellectual Creativity in a Time of Turmoil and Transition
Interdisciplinarity, Disciplines and Temporalities. Continuity or Discontinuity
Intersecting Dynamics. Representational Activism and New Mobilities among “Muslim Women” in India
Interviews as Situated Affective Encounters. A Relational and Processual Approach for Empirical Research on Affect, Emotion and Politics
Intoxicants, Islamic World
Introduction. Family Norms and Images in Transition. Contemporary Negotiations of Reproductive Labor, Love and Relationships in India
Introduction. Muslim pilgrimage through the lens of women’s new mobilities
Cosmopolitanism and conflicts. Changes and challenges in Ottoman urban governance
Introduction: Digital Media and the Politics of Transformation. A Dialectical and Multi-Scalar Reading
Framing Sufism in South Asian Muslim Politics of Belonging
Representations of Space, Place-making and Urban Life in Muslim Societies
Iranische Gemeinschaften in der Pamirregion
Islam in Argentina
Islam in Suriname
Islam in the Dominican Republic
Islamic Art in the Islamic World. Museums and Architectural Revivalism
Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim Racism Across Europe. Empirical and Conceptual Reflections
Jaʿfar b. Abī Yaḥyā, Shams al-Dīn Abū l-Faḍl
Jemen: Medien als politische Waffe
Judaism in Brazil
Jābir b. Ḥayyān
Kalila wa-Dimna: A Unique Work of World Literature
Kalila wa-Dimna: Ein einzigartiges Werk der Weltliteratur
Kinetic Karama
Koloniale Moderne in Nederlandsch-Indië. Grenzen und Gegenströme
Kuinka elää joten kuten hyvää elämää Egyptissä
L'humour dans l'Égypte mamelouke. Le Nuzhat al-nufūs wa-muḍḥik al-ʿabūs d'Ibn Sūdūn al-Bašbuġāwī
Latin American Countries Muslim Leaders Religious Summit
Latinx Muslims “Like” One Another: An Ethnographic Exploration of Social Media and the Formation of Latinx Muslim Community
Law: Modern Family Law. India
Laïcité and Piety. The Tablīghī Jamā‘at in France
Le plaisir de l'ivresse. Haschich et littérature homoérotique dans l'époque mamelouke
Life After Genocide. Bosnian Muslim Women Remembering Together
Lifestyle and Liberty in the Name of Piety. Philanthropy in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Literacy in Turoyo, the Aramaic language of Turabdin and the translation of Alice
Literarische Grenzgänge. Der neue saudische Roman
Literary Sweets. Interlacing motifs in the Sukkardān al-Sulṭān of Ibn Abī Ḥaǧalah (1325-1375)
Lokale Anpassungsstrategien für Landnutzung in Hochgebirgen
Lokale Dynamiken, globale Kontexte. Die arabischen Revolten jenseits einer Rhetorik des Scheiterns
Longing for home: Al-ḥanīn ilā l-awṭān and its alternatives in classical Arabic literature
Lost and Found. A Matter of Orientation
Lowering the Gaze, Shaping Desires. A Perspective on Islamic Masculinity in Germany
MS Berlin, State Library, Glaser 51. A Unique Manuscript from the Early 7th/13th-Century Bahšamite Milieu in Yemen
Marriage and Closeness in Kashgar
Mediated Politics and the Populist Political Style
Midān Moments
Mo Salah, a Moral Somebody?
Murabitun World Movement
Muslim Universities in East Africa. Negotiating Cultural Identity and Political Challenges
Narrative Strategies in Biographical Dictionaries. The ad-Durar al-Kāmina of Ibn Ḥaǧar al-ʿAsqalānī - A Case Study
Naẓariyyat ‘al-aḥwāl’ li-Abī Hāšim al-Ǧubbāʾī wa-taʿdīl mutakallimī al-Ašʿariyya lahā
Neuere Tendenzen der Restaurierung „authentischer arabischer Architektur“ am Beispiel Saudi Arabiens
New Area Studies, Translation and Mid-Range Concepts
New Neighborhood Power. Informal Popular Committees and Changing Local Governance in Egypt
New Practices of Self-Representation. The Use of Online Media by Ahmadiyya and Shia communities in Indonesia and Malaysia
News and Rumor. Local Sources of Knowledge About the World
Niẓām al-Yahūd (“The Statute of the Jews”). Imām Yaḥyā’s writing to the Jews of Ṣanʿāʾ from 1323/1905
Notes on Christianity, Empire and Provincialising Secularism in the Study of Islam
Notes sur l’ašʿarisme d’Abū l-Walīd al-Bāǧī
Objectification: = Objektivierung
On Divine Aboveness (al-Fawqiyya). The Development of Rationalized Ḥadīth-Based Argumentations in Islamic Theology
On the Margins. Suburban Space and Religious Deviancy in Jakarta and Kuala Lumpur
Organizing Coexistence in Early Ottoman Aleppo. An Interpretation of the 1518, 1526 and 1536 Tahrîr Defteris and the 1536 Qanunname
Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nda Müstesna bir Ziyaretgȃh: Eyüp Sultan
Our Man in Havana: Turkey’s alter-Islamist agenda in a global context
Overseeing the pre-1915 lands and layering power in present-day Batman, Turkey
Paixões bíblicas como desafio. Negociação, desarmamento e reconstrução do sacrifício de Abraão no Alcorão
Pakistan's State-run Shrines. Establishment and Contestation of a National Religious Identity at Punjab ́s most important Sufi Shrine
Pamir or Pamirs. Perceptions and Interpretations
Pamirian Crossroads and the New Silk Road Initiative
Pamirian Spaces. Mapping Process Geographies In the Mountainous Periphery
Past Lodges, Present Prayers: Sufism and Museums in Konya and Hacıbektaş
Pastoralists in China
Pathways to Politcal Power in Sudan
Perspectives on Truth, Justice, Reparation and Reconciliation in Central Mindanao
Perspectives, Aspirations and Constraints. How To Do Politics in Off-Centre Afghanistan
Physiognomy as a Secret for the King. The Chapter on Physiognomy in the Pseudo-Aristotelian “Secret of Secrets”
Playing with gender. The carnival of al-Qays in Jeddah
Politische Konflikte um Erdölressourcen
Politische und gesellschaftliche Entwicklungen im Turabdin des 19. Jahrhunderts: Rolle und Bedeutung der syrischen Christen
Preface of the Editors
Preface: Engaging Anthropology in the "Refugee Crisis" in Berlin. The Need for New Collaborations in Teaching and Research
Present Absence of the »Other Mother«: Documentary Images and the Communicative Figuration Surrounding Gestational Surrogacy
Preserving Preservation
Protecting the Medina of Tunis: reflections on current challenges and initiatives
Protectors, Statesmen, Terrorists?. Gender and Masculinities in Muslim Texts and Contexts
Qasā‘id-khānī in Wakhān Valley of Badakhshan, Tajikistan
Qurʼānic studies and philology. Qurʼānic textual politics of staging, penetrating, and finally eclipsing biblical tradition
Raumkonzepte von Zentralasien: Ein historischer Überblick
Recognition and Its Traps in Liberal Secular Conditions. The Case of Muslims in Europe
Reflections on Hegemonies of Knowledge Production and the Politics of Disciplinary Divisions
Reform, Resist, Recreate. The Role of Civil Society in Education in Egypt
Refugees, Locals, and “The” State. Property Compensation in the Province of Izmir Following the Greco-Turkish Population Exchange of 1923
Religion under liberal-secular governance. dialoguing with Muslims in Germany
Religionen und internationale Politik
Repertoires of European Panic and Indigenous Recaptures in Late Colonial Indonesia
Repro-Dramas on Screen: Mediating Surrogacy, Split Motherhood and Reproductive Tourism to German Television Audiences
Resilient forms of urbanity on the margins?. Al-Kherba: A vivid market in a damaged section of the medina of Tunis
Revolution in Sudan. The Production of “The People” as an Emancipatory Practice
Saudi Intervention in Yemen. Domestic Lens, Regional Solidarity, 'OpDecisiveStorm
Sayfo 1915. The beginning of the end of Syriac Christianity in the Middle East
Sayfo, Firman, Qafle. The First World War from the Perspective of Syriac Christians
Scholarly Exchange and Trade. Muḥammad Ḥusayn Naṣīf and His Letters to Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje
Secular Power and the Predicaments of Knowledge Production on Muslims in Europe
Sexing Up the Ottoman in the Contemporary Art of Turkey
Signs of Empire. Islamic Art Museums from European Imperialism to the Global Empire of Capital
Sine, eine neuentdeckte arabische Sprachinsel in der Provinz Diyarbakir (Osttürkei)
Social stratification and change in Herzegowinian urban life in the Tanzimat era
Sosúa Settlement
Spatialities of Belonging: Affective Place-Making among Diasporic Neo-Pentecostal and Sufi Groups in Berlin's Cityscape
Spiritual Counter-Memories of the War
Spätantike: von einer Epoche zu einem Denkraum
Squatting and Urban Modernity in Turkey
Stains are Good if You Get Them While Doing Good. Brand Advertising as a New Field of Experimentation with Visual Secularity in India
State-Society Relations through the Lens of Urban Development
Studying Islam abroad. Pious enterprises and educational aspirations of young Tajik Muslims
Sufismos Subversivos. Las rebeliones sufíes como elementos formativos del laicismo kemalista
Sunni and Shiite Passion Stories Revisited. On the Superseding of Sacrifice and Its Eventual Re-Empowerment
Sunni-Shi’a Divide
Symbolic Politics and Urban Violence in Late Ottoman Jeddah
Süße Intervention. Die Zuckerfabrik in Baghlan gestern und heute
Tablīghī Jamā‘at
Tausch und Kategorien bei der Nussernte in Kyzyl Üngkür
The Arab(ian) Gulf. Urban Development in the Making
The Balkan War Martyrdom Memorial and Intersensorial Remembrance in Edirne
The Central Asian oases. from trading towns to centres of modernisation
The Challenge of Biblical Passion Narratives. Negotiating, Moderating, and Reconstructing Abraham's Sacrifice in the Qur'an
The City and its Regulations. Unexpected Margins
The Concept of Heritage in Relation to World Arts. A matrimony of Others
The Dayi People and Their Language
The German Secret of Secrets. Between Dietary Handbook and Mirror for Princes
The Japanese Left and the Muslim World
The Law is Not Enough. Free and Prior Informed Consent Issues Raised by the Mining of Philippine Indigenous Peoples’ Lands; With Insights from the San-hoodia Case
The Mesopotamian-Levantine dialect continuum
The Modern Prophet
The Mosque as the Religious Sphere. Looking at the Conflict over the Al Muttaqun Mosque
The Ottoman Greeks and the Great War: 1912-1922
The Political Economy of Media. An Introduction
The Practice of Zakat in Nigeria. An Analysis of the Transformation of Some Individual Muslim's Economic Status in the City of Jos
The Practice of Zakat in Northern Nigeria and the Building of Social Relationships
The Qur’an’s Enchantment of the World. "Antique" Narratives Refashioned in Arab Late Antiquity
The Return of Islam in South East Europe. Debating Islam and Islamic Practices of Family Law in Albania and Kosovo
The Role of Twitter in the MENA Region
The Sexual Harassment Debate in Egypt. Impacting Discourses and Pressuring the State in a Polarized Society, #Tahrir_Taharrush
The Valorization of Antiquities in the late Ottoman Empire. Hüseyin’s discussion of Troy, Baalbek, and the Scholarship of Antiquities in Holy Treasures
The performativity of face-veil controversies in Europe
The rhetorical Qurʾān or Orality as a theologumenon
Tipu Sultan, Fath Ali
Traditionelle Wirtschaftsformen: Landwirtschaft und Nomadismus
Travelling Islam. Madrasa Graduates from India and Pakistan in the Malay Archipelago
Two faces of the Qur'ān: Qur'ān and Muṣḥaf
Un material barato de la política interna.. Resonancias del conflicto sirio en la crisis política turca
Une mémoire étouffée. Mosquées et minarets en Europe
Universalizing the Province Europe in Early German Legal Anthropology
Urban space and prestige. When festivals turned violent in Jeddah, 1880s-1960s
Urbanity as an Ethic: Reflections on the Cities of the Arab World
Varieties of Secularity
Wakhi in transition. From Wakhan to multilocal distribution
Wer spricht wie für wen - und warum?. Zur Anerkennung, Authentizität und Repräsentation von Muslimen unter liberal-säkularen Bedingungen
What Happens After Class?. The Islamic Concepts and Values of Iman, Ihsan, Al-Haya, Imam and Umma in Indonesian Pesantren
Where is Alexandria? Myths of the city and the anti-city after cosmopolitanism
Wider die islamische Exzeptionalität
Wissenschaftstransfer durch Typologie. Relektüren des Abrahamsopfers im Koran und im islamischen Kultus
Witnessing Fun. Tamil-speaking Muslims and the Imagination of Ritual in Colonial Southeast Asia
Women's Pathways to Professionalization in Muslim Asia. Reconfiguring Religious Knowledge, Gender, and Connectivity
“Provincializing the Social Sciences”
Writing Middle Eastern agency into the history of the Qubbat al-khazna: The late Ottoman state and manuscripts as historical artefacts
Zaydī Theology in Yemen
Zur Jesaja-Rezeption im Koran
al-Maḏhab al-Zaydī fī l-Yaman
Ägyptens Parteien zwischen Kooptation und Marginalisierung
Ḥāl (theory of “states” in theology)
Ṣanʿāʾ, Jerusalem, New York. Imām Yaḥyā Ḥamīd al-Dīn (1869-1948) and Yemeni-Jewish Migration from Palestine to the United States
‘Keep the Wealth within the Family.'. Cousin Marriage and Swedish Uncles in Kashgar
‘Walls of Illusion’. Information Generation in Colonial Singapore and the Reporting of the Mahdi-Rebellion in Sudan, 1887-1890
’99 Lights in Europe’s Sky’. Commemorating Islamic History in Europe through Indonesian Eyes
„Beten – mit den Lippen an Gott hängen“. Eine biblisch-literarische Spurensuche
„Hüter der heiligen Stätten". Die Pilgerfahrt nach Mekka unter saudischer Herrschaft
Edited Volumes
#Hashtag Solidarities. Twitter Debates and Networks in the Mena Region
1. Dünya Savaşı ve Levant
Abdilatif Abdalla. Poet in Politics
Affective Trajectories. Religion and Emotion in African Cityscapes
Claiming and Making Muslim Worlds. Religion and Society in the Context of the Global
Denkraum Spätantike. Reflexionen von Antiken im Umfeld des Koran
Der inspizierte Muslim. Zur Politisierung der Islamforschung in Europa
Digital Media and the Politics of Transformation in the Arab World and Asia
Family norms and images in transition. Contemporary negotiations of reproductive labor, love and relationships in India
Forms of Migration
Genealogie und Migrationsmythen im antiken Mittelmeerraum und auf der Arabischen Halbinsel.
Global Medieval Mirrors for Princes Reconsidered
History of Islamic Theology / Islamische Theologiegeschichte
Into the Wild. Art and Architecture in a Global Context
Islam in der Moderne, Moderne im Islam
Islam, Sufism and everyday politics of belonging in South Asia
Jugoslawien in den 1960er Jahren. Auf dem Weg zu einem (a)normalen Staat?
Landscapes and Mindscapes. Metodologie di ricerca, percorsi geo-centrati e poetiche dello spazio in una prospettiva comparata
Living in refugee camps in Berlin. Women's perspectives and experiences
Mapping transition in the Pamirs
Mobilities, Boundaries, and Travelling Ideas. Rethinking Translocality Beyond Central Asia and the Caucasus
Monsoon Feelings. A History of Emotions in the Rain
Muslim Matter. Photographs, Objects, Essays
Muslim Women’s Pilgrimage to Mecca and Beyond. Reconfiguring Gender, Religion, and Mobility
Neue Räume, neue Zeiten. Kindheit und Familie im Kontext von (Trans-)Migration und sozialem Wandel
New Media Configurations and Socio-Cultural Dynamics in Asia and the Arab World
Oases and globalization. Ruptures and continuities
Phantomgrenzen. Räume und Akteure in der Zeit neu denken
Prayer in the city. The making of Muslim sacred places and urban life
Qurʼānic studies today
Reverberations. Violence Across Time and Space
Saudi-Arabien. Ein Königreich im Wandel?
Sayfo 1915. An Anthology of Essays on the Genocide of Assyrians/Arameans during the First World War
Studies in Medieval Islamic Intellectual Traditions
Studying Youth, Media and Gender in Post-Liberalization India. Focus on Sexual Violence, New (Im)Mobilities and Evolving Gender Identities
The Ambiguous Nation. Case Studies from Southeastern Europe in the 20th Century
The Damascus fragments. Towards a history of the Qubbat al-khazna Corpus of manuscripts and documents
The Hajj and Europe in the Age of Empire
The Heritage of Edirne in Ottoman and Turkish Times. Continuities, Disruptions and Reconnections
The Oxford Handbook of Islamic Theology
The Yemeni Manuscript Tradition
The heritage of Arabo-Islamic learning. Studies presented to Wadad Kadi
Umkämpfte Vielfalt. Affektive Dynamiken institutioneller Diversifizierung
Under Construction. Logics of Urbanism in the Gulf Region
Understanding Pakistan.
Understanding the City through its Margins. Pluridisciplinary Perspectives from Case Studies in Africa, Asia and the Middle East
Urban Governance Under the Ottomans. Between Cosmopolitanism and Conflict
Urban Violence in the Middle East. Changing Cityscapes in the Transition from Empire to Nation State
Ways of Knowing Muslim Cultures and Societies. Studies in Honour of Gudrun Krämer
Women’s Movements and Countermovements. The Quest for Gender Equality in Southeast Asia and the Middle East
Working with a Secular Age
Journal Articles
"Medicine in context". An epistemological trajectory
"Scaling" the Nation State. Religion, Language and Ethnicity in Asia and Europe
"State analysis from below" and political dynamics in Egypt after 2011
'They all just want to get healthy!'. Drinking the Qur'an Between Forming Religious and Medical Subjectivities in Zanzibar
A Bigger Prison: Egyptian Migrations and the Experience of Limited Movement
A Communicative Figuration Between Sarajevo and Istanbul in the Course of Gentrificating Turkey’s Post-Ottoman Hinterland
A Dangerous Text: Disciplining Deficient Readers and the Policing of the Qur'an in the German Islam Conference
A Past, So Distant, and Yet So Very Near. Belleten and the Creation of a Historiographical Rupture
A Recent Revival of Shii Studies in Germany. Three Panels on the Field
A View from Within. Ibn Ṭawq’s Personal Topography of 15th century Damascus
A Zaydī Treatise on the Proof of Accidents. The Mukhtaṣar fī ithbāt al-aʿrāḍ by al-Ḥasan al-Raṣṣāṣ
A sharīʻa court document from Neyrīz, Fārs (1303/1886)
Afghanistans agrarwirtschaftliche Landnutzung
Ahmadis or Indonesians?. The Polarization of Post-Reformasi Public Discourse on Islam and Orthodoxy in Indonesia
Aina taqʿa 'l-Iskandarīya?. Asāṭīr al-madīna wa-'l-madīna an-naqīd baʿda 'l-marḥala al-kūzmūbūlītānīya
An Interim Report on the Editorial and Analytical Work of the AnonymClassic Project
An Ottoman Preacher’s Perception of a Medieval Cosmography. Maḥmūd al-Ḫaṭīb’s Translation of the Kharīdat al-ʻAjāʼib wa Farīḍat al-Gharā’ib
Arabische Philologie
Arabische Philologie
Aufbruch von unten und Restauration von oben. Ägypten im Jahr Sechs seiner postrevolutionären Dauerkrise
Aus der Geschichte lernen?
Avoiding Laghw (Nonsense, Vain Talk, Vain Actions). An Initial Contribution to the Use of Islamic Concepts in Human Sciences
Bauen in Bagdad um 1958. Wenn Bauvorhaben Revolutionen überstehen
Becoming a Tidtu a Muslim (a True Muslim). Religious and Moral Subjectivities Caught Between Adat and the MILF Islamic Revivalism
Before the Eternal. Muslim Law and the Eternity of Divine Speech
Beyond Nonhuman Animal Rights. A Grassroots Movement in Istanbul and its Alignment with Other Causes
Boissière (Thierry): Formation et mutations d'un quartier de Damas (1920-2010). Review article
Book Review of Amir-Moezzi, M.A. (ed.) - Islam: identité et altérité. Hommage à Guy Monnot, o.p. (Bibliothèque de l'Ecole des Hautes Etudes, Sciences Religieuses, 165).Brepols, Turnhout, 2013
Book Review of Lemons, K. - Divorcing Traditions: Islamic marriage law and the making of Indian secularism
Book review of Cilandro, A. (ed.) - The Early History of Ismaili Jurisprudence. Law under the Fatimids. A critical edition of the Arabic text and English translation of al-Qadi al-Nu'man's Minhaj al-fara'id. I.B. Tauris, London & New York, 2012
Boundaries and space in Gilgit-Baltistan
Breeding Roses and Chasing Unicorns
Building Bridges: Toward Constructing a Christian Foundation for Inter-Religious Relationships in the Shift from Religious Privilege to Spiritual Plurality
Bureaucratic Policy Making in Pakistan
Bürgerschaft in Europa. Grenzziehung und soziale Beweungen in der Einwanderungsgesellschaft
Cambodian Court Dance After Genocide. Embodied Heritage and the Limits of Critique
Embodied Heritage and the Limits of Critique
Can ‘Om’ be an Islamic Term?. Translations, Encounters, and Islamic Discourse in Vernacular South Asia
Catching the Eel. Documentary Evidence for Concepts of the Arabic Book in the Middle Period
Challenging a Home Country. A Preliminary Account of Indonesian Student Activism in Berlin, Germany
Christliche Wohlfahrtsverbände. Vielfalt und Diskriminierung in der Seniorenpflege
Claiming Territory. Medical Mission, Interreligious Revivalism, and the Spatialization of Health Interventions in Urban Tanzania
Commonness and Derivative Work in Ašʿarite Literature. A Comparison of Ḍiyāʾ al-Dīn al-Makkī’s Nihāyat al-marām and Abū al-Qāsim al-Anṣārī’s al-Ġunya fī al-kalām
Conceptions of Self-Determination in Fourth/Tenth-Century Muslim Theology. Al-Bāqillānī’s Theory of Human Acts in Its Historical Context
Conceptual History of the Near East
Construction et gestion identitaire chez les Lawatiya du Sultanat d'Oman, de Multân à Masqaṭ
Contemporary Ottoman Views of Catherine the Great
Contrasted Revolutions
Criminal Networks and Governance. A Study of Lyari Karachi
Crossmedia Flows of Documentary Images and the Transnational Communicative Figuration Surrounding Gestational Surrogacy in India
Das Ende des "arabischen Frühlings" in der Bewegungsforschung
Das Ringen um Balance. Der Islam als "Religion der Mitte"
Data management in anthropology. The next phase in ethics governance?
Dealing with an Ocean of Meaninglessness
Defining the Nation. Kurdish Historiography in Turkey in the 1990s
Democratic Decline in Indonesia. The Role of Religious Authorities
Der Islam und die Muslime. Ein Überblick
Der Koran - europäisch gelesen. Der Koran als historisches Vermächtnis der Spätantike
Destroy Your Idols
Deutsch-afghanische Entwicklungs- und Sicherheitsbeziehungen im Wandel
Development for all?. State schemes, local elites and marginalisation in 21st century Kashgar, Xinjiang
Devotional Annotations. Preserving the Family’s Memory in Arabic Manuscripts
Die Frauenbewegung zwischen Vereinnahmung und Opposition
Die Welt zusammen/denken. Krisen, Lebenswelten und Handlungsspielräume: ein Jahr Blog Medizinethnologie
Discussing al-Bāqillānī’s Theology in the Maghrib. ʿAbd al-Jalīl b. Abī Bakr al-Dībājī al-Rabaʿī’s al-Tasdīd fī sharḥ al-Tamhīd
Document Reuse in Medieval Arabic Manuscripts
Drama In Its Own Way. A Genealogy of Arabic Playwriting in Nigeria
EUrope in focus
Earth, society and sustainability. A tragedy in responsibility?
Embedded Rubber Sandals. Trade and Gifts across the Sino-Kyrgyz Border
Embodying values and socio-religious difference. New markets of moral learning in Christian and Muslim schools in urban Tanzania
Emotional translations. Conceptual history beyond language
Entre ancrage local et connexions transnationales. Pratiques, représentations et enjeux autour de la zaouïa d’Ahmad al-Tijânî de Fès
Ethics reviews in the social and cultural sciences?. A sociological and anthropological contribution to the debate
Ethics, Epistemology and Ethnography. The Need for an Anthropological Debate on Ethical Review Processes in Germany
Ethics, Epistemology, and Engagement. Encountering Values in Medical Anthropology
Ethik und Ethnologie. Ethikkommissionen, ethnographisches Arbeiten und Epistemologie - nicht nur in der Medizinethnologie
Europe and the Arab world. Neighbours and Uneasy partners in a highly conflictual context
Everlasting is their Heritage: Benjamin Netanyahu’s Historical Revisionism
Extending an Indonesian Umbrella
Facing the Mahdī’s True Belief. Abū ʿAmr al-Salālijī’s Ashʿarite Creed and the Almohads’ Claim to Religious Authority
Fashioning the Gentlemanly State. The Curious Charm of the Military Uniform in Southern Thailand
Fear and Loathing in 'Gavur' Izmir. Emotions in early Republican Memories of the Greek occupation (1919-1922)
Fiery Streams of Lava, Frozen into Memory. Many Farewells to War
Finding Women and Gender in the Sources. Toward a Historical Anthropology of Ottoman Tripoli
Forming ‘Forbidden’ Identities Online. Atheism in Indonesia
Forum: Reviews and Comments
Frames of Time. Periodization and Universals in the Works of Abdallah Laroui
Free Research in Fearful Times. Conceptualizing a Global Index to Monitor Academic Freedom
From Archive to Archival Practices. Rethinking the Preservation of Mamlūk Administrative Documents
From Muslims into Turks?. Consensual Demographic Engineering Between Interwar Yugoslavia and Turkey
From State Exclusionary Politics to Youth Inclusionary Practices: The Tahrir Square Experience
From morality to psychology. Emotion concepts in Urdu, 1870-1920
Gender and Ottoman Social History
Gender and Vulnerable Populations in Benefit Sharing. An Exploration of Conceptual and Contextual Points
Gendered Practices of Counterinsurgency at Checkpoints in Southern Thailand
Gendered Subjects in Ottoman Constitutional Agreements, ca. 1740-1860
Gezeiten, Geister und Gemeinschaft. Der Indische Ozean als muslimisch geprägter Raum
Gift-Exchange and Gift-Giving among the Hausa in Northern Nigeria. Its Social and Religious Impact
Giving comfort, dispelling fear. Social welfare at the shrine of Data Ganj Bukhsh in Lahore, Pakistan
Global Sixties in the Non-Western World
Globalizing the Study of American Islam: Approaches to the Field Through the Lens of Globalization Theory
Governing Religious Multiplicity. The Ambivalence of Christian-Muslim Public Presences in Post-colonial Tanzania
Grenzziehungen von "Zivilisation", Nationalstaat und Geschlecht. Militärische Aufstandsbekämpfung an Straßensperren in Südthailand
Henni (Samia): Architecture of counterrevolution: the French army in Northern Algeria. Review article
History in Adab Context. The Book of Caliphal Histories by Ibn ʿAbd Rabbih
History, Time, and Temporality in a Global Frame. Abdallah Laroui’s Historical Epistemology of History
How a Collective Trauma Influences Ethno-Religious Relations of Adolescents in Present-Day Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina
Human Development in Pakistan and Bureaucratic Predicaments
Im/mobilities and Dis/connectivities in Medical Globalization. How global is Global Health?
In Defense of Land and Faith. Muslim Tatars between Confrontation and Accommodation in Late Imperial Russia
In Search of the Kingdom. Emerging Scholarship on Saudi Arabia. From the First Saudi State to the Present
In Search of the Kingdom. Emerging Scholarship on Saudi Arabia. From the First Saudi State to the Present
In memoriam: Matthias Kuhle
Independent Cinema in India. An Emerging Cinematic Form
Informalität von oben und unten. Stadtentwicklung in Kabul im Kontext von Staatsaufbau und militärisch-humanitärer Intervention
Integrating Islamic Positions into European Public Discourse
Interplay between Religion and Politics in Nigeria
Introduction. Elsewhere Affects and the Politics of Engagement across Religious Life-Worlds
Introduction: Concepts of emotions in Indian languages
Investigating the Secular Body. The Politics of the Male Circumcision Debate In Germany
Is Prose Poetry a Conspiracy Against the Noble Qur'an?. Poetics, Humans, and God in Contemporary Egypt
Islam Nusantara: The Conceptual Vocabulary of Indonesian Diversity
Islam and space in Europe
Islam en Español: The Narratives, Demographics, & Reversion Pathways of Latina/o Muslims in the U.S.
Islam in the Echo Chamber. Homogenisation and Polarisation in Indonesia and Malaysia
Islamic Zanzibar. Between the African Mainland and the Indian Ocean
Islamistische Radikalisierung durch Online-Propaganda in Deutschland. Mittel und Strategien des IS
Jedan osmanlijski izvor o vojsci Kraljevine Srbije iz 1915
Judging the judge. Judicial competence in 19th century Iran
Kastenorganisation und die Politik von Kaste. Selbstbestimmung unberührbarer Arbeit am Beispiel der Wäscher von Banaras (Indien)
Kombai S. Anwar, Director, Yaadhum. A Tamil Muslim’s Journey in Search of His Roots and Identity
Kritik der neomythischen Vernunft. Neomythen der beruhigten Endlichkeit
Körper in Bewegung. Sport in islamisch geprägten Kontexten
La causalité selon al-Ḥākim al-Ğišumī
Language policy and language conflict in Afghanistan and its neighbors : the changing politics of language choice / ed. by Harold F. Schiffman (Brill's studies in South and Southwest Asian languages ; 2)
Language variegation across the Pamir-Hindukush-Karakoram. Perceptions and mobilities
Le culte de l’imam Husayn chez les Khojas ismaéliens âghâ khânî-s dans la deuxième moitié du XIXe siècle
Le forme della censura religiosa nell’Egitto moderno. Il caso di Awlād Ḥāratinā (1959) di Nağīb Maḥfūẓ (1911-2006)
Les manuscrits du sud de la vallée de l'Indus en écriture khojkī sindhī. État des lieux et perspectives
Living with Patriarchy and Poverty. Women's Agency and the Spatialities of Gender Relations in Afghanistan
Local Governments and Urban Service Delivery
Local Pasts. Space, Emotions and Identities in Vernacular Histories of Princely Rampur
Love and compassion for the community. Emotions and practices among North Indian Muslims, c. 1870-1930
Making Sense and Locating Emotions in Social Sciences: A Conversation with Margrit Pernau
Making a living in Varanasi. Social place and socio-economic space
Mediating Mobile Transitions. The Tablighi Jama‘at and the International Islamic University between Pakistan and Central Asia (Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan)
Medicine in context. Towards a social and cultural anthropology of medicine(s) in an interconnected world
Menschenrechte in Nordafrika. Ernüchterung macht sich breit
Mobilizing Conflict Testimony. A Lens of Mobility for the Study of Documentary Practices in the Kashmir Conflict
Modernity in the Ninth Century. The Controversy around Abū Tammām
Modernity without Society?
More than Subversion. Four Strategies for the Dominated
Moving citizens. Citizenship practices among Polish migrants in Norway and the United Kingdom
Muslim AmeRícans: Puerto Rican Muslims in the USA and the Need for More Cosmopolitan Frames of Analysis in the Study of Islam and Muslim Communities in the Americas
Muslim ethical self-making and secular governmentality in Europe: an introduction
Muslime im säkularen Rechtsstaat. Zur Problematik des Integrationsimperativs
Nahöstliche Philosophie transregional. Eine ideengeschichtlich informierte Komparatistik
Niemand hat die Absicht, einen Aufsatz zu zensieren. Archäologie, Politik und Zensur im Zusammenhang mit der Ausstellung „Roads of Arabia. Archäologische Schätze aus Saudi-Arabien“
Nōršēn – ein anatolisch-arabischer Dialekt der Sason-Muş-Gruppe
Of Traditional Protectors and Modern Men. Engendering a Youth Gang in East Timor
One Manuscript, Many Books: the Manuscript and Editing History of Aḥkām ahl al-dhimma
Opposition Dynamism Under Authoritarianism. The Case of Yemen, 1994-2011
Peacebuilding and Pasture Relations in Afghanistan
Periodization and the Political. Abdallah Laroui's Analysis of Temporalities in a Postcolonial Context
Philological Vignettes from (Near) East to West
Pierre Vogel’s and Bilal Philips’s Criticisms of Jihadism
Playing Cosmopolitan. Muslim Self-Fashioning, Migration, and (Be-)Longing in the Tajik-Dubai Business
Pluralität ohne Beliebigkeit. Ernst Cassirers Beitrag zum Dialog der Religionen
Polish migration within Europe. Mobility, transnationalism and integration
Political bargaining and violent conflict. Shifting elite alliances as the decisive factor in Yemen’s transformation
Pre-Modern Arabic Philologists. Poetry's Friend or Foes?
Prelude to victory in neo-traditional Turkish oil wrestling. Sense perceptions, aesthetics and performance
Producing Healthy Citizens. Encouraging Participation in Ladies-Only Kickboxing
Prof. Dr. Ehud R. Toledano ile Osmanlı’da Kölecilik ve Afro-Türkler Üzerine Bir Söyleşi
Propagating Mu'tazilism in the VIth/XIIth Century Zaydiyya. The Role of al-Hasan al-Rassās
Provincializing and and Localizing Core-Periphery Relations
Provincializing concepts. The language of transnational history
Putting the Pearls of Wisdom in Order: The Unique Necklace by Ibn ʿAbdrabbih
Qurʾānic studies and historical-critical philology. The Qurʾān’s staging, penetrating and eclipsing of biblical tradition
Race, Islamophobia and the Politics of Citizenship in Post-Unification Germany
Racialising Religion in the Debate on Religious Freedom in Malaysia
Raconter l’ivresse à l’époque mamelouke. Les mangeurs de haschich comme motif littéraire
Recent Scholarship in the Field of kalām
Reclaiming “Manliness”. Reflections on growing up in Delhi
Reforming Tradition and Traditions of Reform in Muslim South Asia
Refugees, Locals, and “The” State. Property Compensation in the Province of Izmir Following the Greco-Turkish Population Exchange of 1923
Religion and Emotion in African Cities. Analyzing Affective Trajectories
Religion und Pandemie. Staat, Religion und Gesellschaft in Saudi-Arabien und Iran in der Coronakrise
Remembering the 1977 Bread Riots in Suez: Fragments and Ghosts of Resistance
Remodeling Nigerian Democracy. Re-reading al-Ṭabaqah al-‘Ulyā (The Upper Class)
Renegotiating Indonesian secularism through debates on Ahmadiyya and Shia
Review of "Makers of Islamic Civilization: Ibn Khaldun" by Syed Farid Alatas
Review of "The Cambridge Companion to Sayyid Ahmad Khan" edited by Yasmin Saikia and M. Raisur Rahman
Review of Arabic-Islamic Views of the Latin West. Tracing the Emergence of Medieval Europe, by Daniel G. König
Review of Bachour, Natalia: Oswaldus Crollius und Daniel Sennert im frühneuzeitlichen Istanbul
Review of Die Anden : ein geographisches Porträt by Axel Borsdorf; Christoph Stadel
Review of Dijk, Kees van: Pacific strife. The great powers and their political and economic rivalries in Asia and the Western Pacific, 1870 - 1914 (Global Asia ; 5)
Review of Felder, Ulrich, Apophatik als Lösungsformel für den interreligiösen Dialog? Würzburg 2012; und Nah, David S., Christian Theology and Religious Pluralism, Cambridge 2013
Review of Gräbel, Carsten: Die Erforschung der Kolonien : Expeditionen und koloniale Wissenskultur deutscher Geographen, 1884 - 1919
Review of Kishwar Rizvi, The Transnational Mosque. Architecture and Historical Memory in the Contemporary Middle East
Review of Mardsen, Magnus: Trading Worlds. Afghan merchants across modern frontiers
Review of Mouton, J.-M./D. Sourdel/J. Sourdel-Thomine: Gouvernance et libéralités de Saladin d'après les données inédites de six documents arabes (avec un appendice de Jean Richard), Paris 2015
Review of Paul Wenzel Geissler (Hg.), "Para-States and Medical Science: making African global health". Durham NC: Duke University Press, 2015, 369 pp
Review of Rhea Marie Richter: Frauensport in Kenia. Laufsportkultur zwischen Kenia und den USA
Review of Wei Weng Hew, Chinese Ways of Being Muslim. Negotiating Ethnicity and Religiosity in Indonesia
Review of Zeynep Çelik, About Antiquities: Politics of Archaeology in the Ottoman Empire (Austin, Tex.: University of Texas Press, 2016). Pp. 282. $85.00 cloth. ISBN: 9781477310199
Review of Ziegenbalg, Bartholomäus: Tamil Language for Europeans. Ziegenbalg's Grammatica Damulica (1716). 2010
Review symposium of "Do Muslim Women Need Saving?
Khan, Aliyah: Far From Mecca: Globalizing the Muslim Caribbean
Islam and the Americas. Edited by Aisha Khan
Regarding Muslims: From Slavery to Post-Apartheid, written by Gabeba Baderoon
The Study of Religion: An Introduction to Key Ideas and Methods, 2nd edition. By George Chryssides and Ron Geaves
The Virgin of Guadalupe and the Conversos: Uncovering Hidden Influences from Spain to Mexico. By Marie-Theresa Hernández. Latinidad: Transnational Cultures in the United States Series. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, July 2014. Pp. ix + 260
"What Hath Cassettes to do with Christianity? Instagram with Islam?"
Revisiting Sir Syed’s Early Religious Writings
Rustic Releases
Sayyids and Social Stratification of Muslims in Colonial India. Genealogy and Narration of the Past in Amroha
Seventeenth-Century Islamic Teaching in Medina. The Life, Circle, and Forum of Ahmad al-Qushashi
Shifting Epistemologies in Area Studies. From Space to Scale
Shifting the Gaze. Ein Plädoyer für andere Fragen
Sleepy Side Alleys, Dead Ends, and the Perpetuation of Eurocentrism
Social Capital, Morality and the Politics of Urbanidad. The Case of Sidewalk Clearing Operations in an Urban Space
Sociocultures of Southeast Asia. Between History, Area and Social Studies
Soldier-Citizen Training: The Early Boy Scout Movement in Ethiopia
Somalis as Samaritans: A Glimpse into Christian–Muslim Relations in Eastern Africa from the Perspective of Evangelical Kenyan Christians
Sport and nationalism in the Republic of Turkey
Sprachliche Imagination im Film. Tapori Hindi und die Verwendung sprachlicher Register im populären indischen Kino
Srpska vojska u osmanlijskim štampanim i rukopisnim izvorima (1881-1915)
State and Religion. Considering Indonesian Islam as Model of Democratisation for the Muslim World
Studentisches Forschen in Not- und Sammelunterkünften für Geflüchtete
Subverting 'Formalised' Ethics through Mainstreaming Critical Research Ethics and a Responsive Review Process
Taking the matter into your own hands
Tea for Interreligious Harmony?. Cause Marketing as a New Field of Experimentation with Visual Secularity in India
The Arabic Anonymous in a World Classic (Acronym: AnonymClassic). Presentation of a Research Project
The Bohra Manuscript Treasury as a Sacred Site of Philology. A Study in Social Codicology
The Dead are Coming. Acts of Citizenship at Europe’s Borders
The Ecology of Pastoralism
The Emotional, Political, and Analytical Labor of Engaged Anthropology Amidst Violent Political Conflict
The Global “War on Terror" & the Tenuous Public Space of Muslims in Latin America and the Caribbean
The Institutionalization of Mobility. Well-being and Social Hierarchies in Central Asian Translocal Livelihoods
The Janus Face of Kātib Çelebi: Reflecting on the Ottoman Saddle Period
The Jewish and Muslim Reception of ʿAbd al-Jabbār’s Kitāb al-Jumal wa-l-ʿuqūd. A Survey of Relevant Sources
The Manufacturing of Islamic Lifestyles in Tajikistan through the Prism of Dushanbe's Bazaars
The Muslim Researcher. Reflections on Insider / Outsider Research in Indonesia
The Obligation of Zakat in the Qur'an and the Challenges of its Local Interpretation in Northern Nigeria
The Perfect Man in the Literary Opus of John Climacus and Ibn Arabi
The Politics of Imagining (in) Urdu in Contemporary India
The Rediscovery of the Balkans?. A Bosniak-Turkish Figuration in the Third Space Between Istanbul and Sarajevo
The Social Production of Space and Emotions in South Asia
The Sports Path Not Taken: Pearl Diving Heritage and Cosmopolitanism from Below
The Study of Islam and Muslim Communities in Latin America, the Caribbean, and the Americas: the State of the Field
The Successful Life of Qurbon Amirqulov. Memories of Leadership in the Southern Periphery of Uzbekistan
The Sudanese women’s movement and the mobilisation for the 2008 legislative quota and its aftermath
The Tasaday Twenty Four Years After. Insights on Ethnicity and the Rights Framework
The Theory of Literary Genre. Pedagogical Categorization or Cultural Positionality?
The Three Decisions of Umm Bîjû: Walking in Suez and Seeing the Ghosts of 1967 War
The art of not seeing like a state. On the ideology of ’informality’
The blind spots of liberal citizenship and integration policy
The formal side of informality. Non-bureaucratic organisation, pride and ethnography among Uyghur traders
The Sudanese women’s movement and the mobilisation for the 2008 legislative quota and its aftermath
The stadium and the city. Sports infrastructure in late imperial Ethiopia and beyond
The writing of lives. An ethnography of writers and their milieus in Alexandria
Theologische Anthropologie
There will be Blood. Expectation and Ethics of Violence during Egypt’s Stormy Season
Tod und Vergessen in Kaschgar. Adolph Schlagintweits tragisches Ende und das Schicksal seines Denkmals
Tracing Ibn Ṭūlūn’s Autograph Corpus, with Emphasis on the 19th–20th Centuries
Transforming Houses. The Changing Concept of the House in Kashgar
Translocal Ethics. Hizmet Teachers and the Formation of Gülen-inspired Schools in Urban Tanzania
Travelling Islam. Madrasa Graduates from India and Pakistan in the Malay Archipelago
Turkey's Summer of Love and the Art of Political Protest
Turkifying Poverty, or: the Phantom Pain of Izmir’s Lost Christian Working Class, 1924–26
Turning Therapies. Placing Medical Diversity
Umbenennung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Völkerkunde e.V. in Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sozial- und Kulturanthropologie e.V. am 6. Oktober 2017 in Berlin
Unpacking 'Youth' and 'Religiosity' in J. Cornelio's Being Catholic in Contemporary Philippines
Unpacking the Effects of Repression. The Evolution of Islamist Repertoires of Contention in Egypt after the Fall of President Morsi
Uthman ibn Ibrahim al-Nabulusi
Validating Secularity in Islam: The Illustrative Case of the Sociological Muslim Intellectual Rafiq al-Azm (1865-1925)
Verlust, Erinnerung, Versöhnung. Repräsentationen des Kaschmirkonflikts und des Exils der Kashmiri-Pandits in der Megha-Episode von Onirs „I am“
Verwobene Denkräume: Der Koran in Europa
Vom Karakoram Highway zur Neuen Seidenstraße. China-Pakistan Economic Corridor im pakistanischen Hochgebirge
Vom gesellschaftlichen Engagement für den Islam zum islamischen Engagement für die Gesellschaft
Von "Neuen Zeiten" und "Neuen Körpern". Fitness im kaiserlichen Äthiopien (1940er-1970er)
Was hat Max Weber mit Kātib Čelebi zu tun?
What is Preservation? Diversifying Engagement with the Middle East's Material Past. How to View the Parthenon through the Camera Obscura of the Tortoise
What to do with conspiracy theories?
Women Remembering the Prophet's Birthday. Maulid Celebrations and Religious Emotions Among the Alawiyin Community in Palembang, Indonesia
Wrestling in multifarious modernity
Wüstenblume und Falke für Abu Dhabi. Schweizer Entwürfe einer identitätsstiftenden Architektur der 1970er Jahre
Zersplitterung ist die größte Schwäche. Warum die Christen in Syrien nie mit einer Stimme sprechen konnten
Zur Geschichte der Christen Syriens. Ein integraler Bestandteil der orientalischen Gesellschaft
Zur Produktion loyaler Staatsbürger. Einbürgerungstests als Instrument der Regulierung von religiös-kultureller Pluralität in Deutschland
Zwischen Reformversprechen und Status Quo. Frauen in Saudi-Arabien
al-Luġa al-arabiyya fī al-madāris al-hukūmiyya fī Nīğīrīā. taṭawwuruhā wa-mustaqbaluhā
À propos de l'attribution du ms. Ambrosiana ar. F 122, fol. 35b. Un fragment d’un texte zaydite du Yémen
الوجه المظلم للتّأويل
‘Denn Gott bin ich und nicht ein Mensch’ (Hosea 11,9). Zur verhängnisvollen Allianz von Religion und Gewalt
“Someone to Check Her a Bit”. Feminine Abandon and the Abducted Woman in Shorey Comedies
“in situ: the counterindications of world heritage"
The Hand that Rocks the Cradle is the Hand that Rules the World. An Analysis of Muḥammad Quṭb's Portrayal of Feminism as a Jewish Conspiracy
A History of Jeddah. The Gate to Mecca in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries
A Monument to Medieval Syrian Book Culture. The Library of Ibn ʿAbd al-Hādī
A neo-Fatimid treasury of books
Al-Ḥīra. Eine arabische Kulturmetropole im spätantiken Kontext
Arab Revolutions and Beyond. Change and Persistence
Denkraum Spätantike. Reflexionen von Antiken im Umfeld des Koran
Der Islam in Indonesien nach 1998. Am Beispiel der Partai Keadilan Sejahtera
Der Vordere Orient und Nordafrika ab 1500
Die Erneuerung der Tiǧānīya in Mauretanien. Popularisierung religiöser Ideen in der Kolonialzeit
Dindarlığın Siyaseti. İslami Uyanış ve Feminist Özne
Ein Bestseller der islamischen Vormoderne
Esprit civique et organisation citadine dans l'empire ottoman (XVe-XXe siècles)
Faszinierungsprozesse. Religiös motivierte und geschlechtsspezifisch geformte Reaktionen junger Menschen auf islamische Predigten
Global conceptual history. A reader
Guidance (Uwongozi) by Sheikh al-Amin Mazrui. Selections from the first Swahili Islamic newspaper
Hasan al-Banna
Hatta yantahi al-naft. Al-hijra wa-l-ahlam fi dawahi al-Khalij
Hunza matters: Ordering and bordering between ancient and new Silk Roads
Im Zentrum der Peripherie. Über Muslimisches Leben in Südostasien
Imām Yaḥyā Ḥamīd ad-Dīn und die Juden in Ṣanʿāʾ (1904 - 1948). Die Dimension von Schutz (Dhimma) in den Dokumenten der Sammlung des Rabbi Sālim b. Saʿīd al-Ǧamal
Islam, Sufism and everyday politics of belonging in South Asia
Islamic courts and women's divorce rights in Indonesia. The cases of Cianjur and Bulukumba
Islamische Verantwortungsethik im 17. Jahrhundert
Kant in Teheran
Kitāb al-Tafṣīl li-jumal al-Taḥṣīl. Facsimile Edition of MS Glaser no. 51, Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin. With Introductions and Indices by Hassan Ansari and Jan Thiele
Knowledge Production, Area Studies and Global Cooperation
Koranforschung - eine politische Philologie?. Bibel, Koran und Islamentstehung im Spiegel spätantiker Textpolitik und moderner Philologie
Kritische Gesamtausgabe der Werke von Hans Jonas. Metaphysische und religionsphilosophische Schriften
Le culte de l’imam Husayn chez les Khojas ismaéliens âghâ khânî-s à la fin du XIXe siècle.
Legitimacy in a Hegemonial System. A Critical Analysis of Arab Human Rights Documents, 1981-2014
Lexicon of Jewish Names in Late Antiquity. Part IV: The Eastern Diaspora 330 BCE-650 CE
Making a living in Varanasi. Social place and socio-economic space
Mapping Popular Perceptions. Security, Insecurity and Police Work in Yemen
Mapping transition in the Pamirs. With case studies on the changing human-environmental landscapes
Medieval Damascus. Plurality and Diversity in an Arabic library
Migrant Dreams. Egyptian Workers in the Gulf States
Modernity in Islamic Tradition
Muslimisierte Körper auf der Bühne
One year on the scene. Contemporary art in Indonesia
Ottoman Painting. Reflections of Western Art from the Ottoman Empire to the Turkish Republic
Pamirian Crossroads. Kirghiz and Wakhi of High Asia
Pamirs at the Crossroads. Changing challenges and perspectives
Politics of Honor in Ottoman Anatolia. Sexual Violence and Socio-Legal Surveillance in the Eighteenth Century
Preaching Islamic Revival in East Africa
Qurʼanic studies today.
Race, religion, and the "Indian Muslim" predicament in Singapore
Religion and AIDS Treatment in Africa. Saving Souls, Prolonging Lives.
Repressing Egypt’s Civil Society. State Violence, Restriction of the Public Sphere, and Extrajudicial Persecution
Researching Muslim Societies.: Inside and outside ZMO.
Sayfo 1915. An Anthology of Essays on the Genocide of Assyrians/Arameans during the First World War
Scripture, Poetry, and the Making of a Community. Reading the Qurʼan as a Literary Text
Kritische Gesamtausgabe der Werke von Hans Jonas. Metaphysische und religionsphilosophische Schriften
Slomo Surayt - An introductory Course to Surayt-Aramaic (Turoyo)
Slomo Surayt - Ein Einführungskurs ins Surayt-Aramäische (Turoyo)
Social Justice through Citizenship?. The Politics of Muslim Integration in Germany and Great Britain
Swahili Muslim publics and postcolonial experience
The Construction of Masculinities and Violence. "Youth Gangs" in Dili, East Timor
The End of Ottoman Rule in Bosnia
The Failure of the Transitional Process in Yemen. The Houthi’s Violent Rise to Power and the Fragmentation of the State
The First of the Modern Ottomans. The Intellectual History of Ahmed Vâsıf
The Lawful Empire. Legal Change and Cultural Diversity in Late Tsarist Russia
The Life and Times of Abū Tammām
The Life and Times of Abū Tammām
The Rise of the Arabic Book
The Written World of God
Tracing Japanese leftist political activism (1957-2017)
Uneasy military encounters. The imperial politics of counterinsurgency in Southern Thailand
Wakhan Quadrangle. Exploration and Espionage During and After the Great Game
Wenn die Waffen sprechen. Ursachen, Auslöser und Folgen des Bürgerkriegs in Libyen
West African ʿulamāʾ and Salafism in Mecca and Medina. Jawāb al-Ifrīqī - The Response of the African
What is "Islamic" Art? Between Religion and Perception
When Fishing is No Longer Viable. Environmental Change, Unfair Market Relations and Livelihood in a Small Fishing Community in the Philippines
Wissensvermittlung im Gespräch. Eine Studie zu klassisch-arabischen Dialogen
Yemen: CGC Roadmap to Nowhere. Elite Bargaining and Political Infighting Block a Meaningful Transition
Youth and Globalization in Central Asia. Everyday Life between Religion, Media, and International Donors
Zwei arabische Dialoge zur Alchemie. Die Unterredung des Aristoteles mit dem Inder Yūhīn und das Lehrgespräch der Alchemisten Qaydarūs und Mītāwus mit dem König Marqūnus
al-Shattat al-hadhrami: Tujjar, 'ulama', wa-rijal dawla. Hadharim fi al-muhit al-hindi 1750 - 1960
Ḥadīt. Eine Einführung in die Geschichte und Textsorten
Newspapers & Blogs
"Islam ist ein neues Element deutscher Kultur". Gudrun Krämer wird für ihre Forschung ausgezeichnet: Die Wissenschaftlerin schrieb unter anderem die "Geschichte des Islam".
"Verständigung beruht auf Verständnis". Forschungszentrum zur Geistesgeschichte der islamischen Welt an der Freien Universität eröffnet
Abnāʾ Qābīl: Bayna Laʿnat al-Taghrīb wa-l-Baʿth al-Muʾansin
Al-afʿā wa-sardiyāt al-ḫalq. Ādam, Ǧilǧāmiš, Hayy Ibn Yaqẓān
Al-ḏāt min al-taṣawwuf ila al-raqamiyya. 'Hayy Ibn Yaqẓān' li-Ibn Ṭufayl unmūḏaǧan
An Archive's Tale. Law and Empire in Tsarist Russia
Annäherungen an den Islam. Die Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies plant für die kommende Runde der Exzellenzinitiative
Antisemitismus im Zarenreich: Von der Anfeindung zum Pogrom
Auszeichnung der Einsteinstiftung
Islam: Der rechte Glaube und der Rechtsstaat
Authoritarian Middle East regimes don't like acedmics - ask Matthew Hedges
Berlin Graduate School "Muslim Cultures and Societies" feierlich eröffnet. Festakt im Museum für Islamische Kunst in Berlin
Mehr als eine Nebengeschichte. Frauenrechte, Rollenbilder und Geschlechterpolitik in Ägypten
Bringing Philosophy and Sociology to the Egyptian Public
Convergent Authoritarianisms in Egypt and Turkey
Das Königshaus mit neuer Mission
Den Kampf der Kulturen bekämpfen. Die Berlin Graduate School „Muslim cultures and societies“ bildet Fachleute für islamisch geprägte Gesellschaften aus. Weit über 100 junge Wissenschaftler haben sich beworben, 15 Doktoranden werden im April ausgewählt
Der Einfluss des Islam. Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies mit Festakt im Pergamon-Museum eröffnet
Der russische Patient – in Russland zeigt die Corona-Pandemie erstaunliche Parallelen zur Cholera im späten Zarenreich
"Brot, Freiheit, Würde". Experten warnen davor, den Arabischen Frühling schon für gescheitert zu erklären.
Doktor werden mit System. Von wegen einsame Forschung: Graduiertenschulen bieten Austausch und kompetente Betreuung
Dynamische Traditionen und Mimesis in der Kunstmusik – Trickster Orchestra
Ein anderes Bild der Muslime. Der Islam, der Koran und die Bilder
Essay on Sabah Mahmoud's "Religious Difference in a Secular Age. A Minority Report"
Exploring Law in the Russian Empire: Spatial and Temporal Choices
Forfeiting the Future. Pakistan's crisis can't simply be explained by religion
Forschen über den Islam in aller Welt. Seit zehn Jahren bildet die „Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies“ Doktorandinnen und Doktoranden aus. Im Fokus stehen dabei auch aktuelle Themen aus Politik und Gesellschaft
Auf den Spuren des arabischen Antisemitismus
Islamforscher sind im permanenten Stresstest
Theologie kann Religionswissenschaft nicht ersetzen
Germany’s Support to Security Sector Reform in Yemen. Focus on the Relationship between the Police and Civil Society
Goethe Mutalaṣṣiṣan: Al-ʾAdab al-ʿĀlamī wa-l-Tarjama
Gregory I. McIntosh ile söyleşi
Hawl al-dawal al-asiyya wa-l-‘awda li-l-wad‘ al-tabi‘i
Houthis on the Rise in Yemen
Ikū aw al-Ḥajīza bayna al-Ṣawt wa-l-Ṣamt
Ein Jahr nach Husni Mubaraks Sturz
„Die Mauer der Angst ist gefallen“
„Ahmadiyya ist kooperativ“
"Die Deutschen haben ein einseitiges Islambild". Sie ist Deutschlands renommierteste Islamwissenschaftlerin und besonders gefragt, wenn es darum geht, den selbst ernannten Experten à la Sarrazin und Broder zu widersprechen
"Die Scharia ist kein feststehender Kodex"
"Hier wird ein Monster kreiert"
"Koran-Verbrennungen sind nicht entschuldbar". Die Islamwissenschaftlerin Gudrun Krämer über die Frage, wie berechtigt der Volkszorn ist
Aufklärung wäre wünschenswert
Eine Distanzierung von den Dschihadisten ist nicht genug
Was spaltet die Muslime?. Forscherin über Sunniten und Schiiten
"Warum stört es, wenn eine Frau sich bedeckt?"
Into the future. Gender, sexuality, and minority matters in Russian imperial history
Iran's Small Hand in Yemen
Krieg im Jemen. Regionale Akteure und die Fragmentierung des Staates
Language Matters. Studying Legal History in the Russian Empire
Menschenrechte in Ägypten. Die ausgeblendete Krise
Mittler zwischen Orient und Okzident
Nebeneinander, seitlich, unendlich: Wendy M. K. Shaw über ‘Islamische’ Kunst und Musik ohne Hierarchie
On exponentials and the return to normality
Peace and State Fragmentation in Yemen
Prof. Dr. Werner Schiffauer zu Gast an der Freien Universität
Raus aus dem Containerdenken
Reenchantment: From the Facts of Orientalism to the Sustenance of Storytelling
Rethinking Muslim Politics. The Rampuri Experience
Review article: Shweta Kishore, Indian Documentary Film and Filmmakers. Independence in Practice. Edinburgh University Press, 2018
Review article: Vanessa Rampton: Liberal Ideas in Tsarist Russia. From Catherine the Great to the Russian Revolution. Cambridge 2020
Stresstest für Salafisten
The Case of Falling Walls. Politics of Demolition and Preservation in Rampur
The Case of Falling Walls. Politics of Demolition and Preservation in Rampur
The Falah School in Jeddah. Civic Engagement for Future Generations?
The Lawful Empire: Legal Change and Cultural Diversity in Late Imperial Russia
The Skariatin Code. Legal History Research on Imperial Russia
The UAE is weakening it's partnership with the Saudis in Yemen. Here’s why that matters
This Pandemic Isn't the First Time the Hajj Has Been Disrupted for Muslims
Travel: A Post-Covid-19 Fantasy
Two years ago nationalism sparked major protests in Egypt. Could it happen again?
Vom Wanderprediger zum globalen Netzwerker. Doktorandin der Freien Universität untersucht die islamische Gülen-Bewegung in Deutschland und Tansania
Was dem Islam zur Moderne fehlt. Die Freiheitsbewegung in der arabischen Welt hat das Bild vom Islam in den westlichen Demokratien entscheidend verändert. Und doch bleiben Zweifel: Ist der Islam wirklich bereit für die Moderne? Eine öffentliche Vorlesungsreihe geht dieser Frage nach.
Weisheiten aus der Kalifenzeit. Leibniz-Preis für Beatrice Gründler
Weltkulturerbe Dschidda ist ein Signal für die Zukunft
Who do we condem? Whose lives matter?
al-Tarjama wa-Muqāwamat al-Maḥw [Translation resisting invisibility]
al-waǧh al-muẓlim li-l-taʾwīl
“What is Art History when the Primary Sensory Organ is the Heart?” ‒ A Conversation with Wendy M.K. Shaw
„Jedes Bild und jeder Gegenstand erzählt eine Geschichte“. Bis 29. Januar: von Doktoranden der "Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies" kuratierte Ausstellung mit Fotos und Objekten aus dem Alltag von Muslimen
Allying beyond Social Divides. Coalitions and Contentious Politics in the Middle East and North Africa
Being and Becoming. Imagination, Memory, and Violence in the Southern Philippines
Cosmopolitanism in a Global Perspective
Der zwölferschiitische Martyriumsdiskurs im Iran des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts
Feeling communities
GAMSzine. Magazin des Bereichs Gender and Media Studies for the South Asian Region, No. 1
How (Not) to Take 'Secularity' Beyond the Modern West
Imaginations, Narratives and Mediated Performances of Solidarity and Community
Imām Yaḥyā Ḥamīd ad-Dīn und die Juden in Ṣanʿāʾ (1904 - 1948). Die Dimension von Schutz (Dhimma) in den Dokumenten der Sammlung des Rabbi Sālim b. Saʿīd al-Ǧamal
Mediated Politics and the Populist Political Style
Minority pasts. The other histories of a "Muslim locality", Rampur 1889-1949
Moral Dominance: Policing Minds, Spirits, Bodies, and Markets
Neue Wege der Begriffsgeschichte
Preserving Yemen's Cultural Heritage: The Yemen Manuscript Digitization Project
Religion, Culture, and the Secular: The Case of Islam
Secularism, Secularity and Islamic Reformism
The #AmericasMuslimsMap: Using Digital Visualization to Expand our Notion of ‘Global Islam
The Architecture of Everyday Life in Twentieth Century Jiddah
The Bohra Dark Archive and the language of secrecy. A codicological ethnography of the Royal ʿAlawī Bohra Library in Baroda
The Dakwah Media in Post Suharto Indonesia. From Politics of Identity to Popular Culture
The Dihlīz of the Learned: Bayt Naṣīf as a Node in Reformist Muslim Circles (Mid 19th-Mid 20th Centuries)
To Whom Belong the Streets? Property, Propriety, and Appropriation. The Production of Public Space in Late Ottoman Damascus, 1875-1914
Weltgeschichtsschreibung zwischen Schia und Sunna. Ḫvāndamīrs (gest. 1535/6) Ḥabīb as-siyar und seine Rezeption im Handschriftenzeitalter
Wer schafft das? Neue Akteurskonstellationen im Engagement für Geflüchtete
Ḏimma-Raum. Imam Yaḥyā Ḥamid al-Dīn, die Juden von San'a und die Praxis islamischen Rechts im zaiditischen Jemen
’I’ve Seen You’: Reflections on Ethnographic Theology, Accountability, & Christian-Muslim Relations
Published Dissertations
"They love us because we give them zakāt". The distribution of wealth and the making of social relations in Northern Nigeria
Ahmad al-Tijânî de Fès. Un sanctuaire soufi aux connexions transnationales
Charity in Saudi-Arabia
Contested Legitimacies
Die Erben des Malcolm X. Afroamerikanische Muslime zwischen Widerstand und Anpassung
Dār Al-Islām Revisited. Territoriality in Contemporary Islamic Legal Discourse on Muslims in the West
Geschichte als Widerstand. Geschichtsschreibung und nation-building in Qaḏḏāfīs Libyen
Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya and the Divine Attributes. Rationalized Traditionalistic Theology
Iridescent Kuwait
Islam in a Zongo. Muslim Lifeworlds in Asante, Ghana
Kausalität in der Mu'tazilitischen Kosmologie. Das Kitāb al-Mu'aththirāt wa-miftāḥ al-muškilāt des Zayditen al-Ḥasan ar-Raṣṣāṣ (st. 584/1188)
Managing Piety. The Shrine of Data Ganj Bakhsh
Minding Their Place. Space and Religious Hierarchy in Ibn al-Qayyim's Aḥkām ahl al-dhimma
Mobilität und Zeugenschaft. Unabhängige Dokumentarfilmpraktiken und der Kaschmirkonflikt
Nahrungsmittel in der arabischen Medizin. Das Kitāb al-Aġdhiya wa-l-ašriba des Naǧīb ad-Dīn as-Samarqandī
New Islamic Urbanism. The Architecture of Public and Private Space in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Philanthropie in Saudi-Arabien. Bestandsaufnahme und Untersuchung der organisierten wohltätigen Praxis in Djidda, Saudi-Arabien
Picturing the Islamicate World. The Story of al-Iṣṭakhrī's Book of Routes and Realms
Queer Companions
Religioscapes in Muslim Indonesia. Personalities, Institutions and Practices
The Banisher of Madness. An Interpretation of Language as the Vessel of All Truths Sacred and Profane in the Teachings of Ibn al-Sarrāj of Baghdad
The dowry of the state? The Politics of Abandoned Property and the Population Exchange in Turkey, 1921-1945
The Jurist and the Theologian. Speculative theology in Shafi`i Legal theory
Theologie in der jemenitischen Zaydiyya. Die naturphilosophischen Überlegungen des al-Ḥasan ar-Raṣṣāṣ
Unsere neuen Geschwister. Konversion zum Islam in Malaysia am Beispiel chinesischer Muslime in Penang
Wali Pitu And Muslim Pilgrimage In Bali, Indonesia
Waren Welt Islam. Konsumkultur und Warenästhetik in Syrien 2000−2011
Weltgeschichtsschreibung zwischen Schia und Sunna
Zwanzig Jahre Alltag. Lebens-, Welt- und Selbstbild im Journal des Ahmad Ibn Tawq
Radio & Television
"Die Kultur der Ambiguität. Eine andere Geschichte des Islams"
Arabische Dichtung
Aufklärung transregional
Buchkultur und Wissensvermittlung
Das Mogulreich
Das Tor zu Mekka
Der Kadi und seine Zeugen
Die Abbasiden
Die Frühzeit
Die Ilkhaniden (Mongolen)
Die Mamluken
Die Osmanen I
Die Osmanen II
Die Qajaren
Die Safaviden
Die Welt nachschlagen
die diskussion. History Live
Eine ungewöhnliche Perspektive des Korans. Angelika Neuwirth: „Der Koran als Text der Spätantike. Ein europäischer Zugang“, Verlag der Weltreligionen
Gebundene Schönheit
Himmel und Hölle
Imperium ohne Geltungsdrang
„Ist Mubarak Freitag weg, oder fließt Freitag Blut?“. Politologin Cilja Harders zu den Motiven der ägyptischen Demonstranten
Große Themen, keine Meinung - Ist die Angst vor dem Islam berechtigt oder nicht?
Klammern, ohne eine ernsthafte Perspektive zu bieten. Ägyptens Präsident hat laut Islamwissenschaftlerin keinen Veränderungswillen
Macht der Muslimbrüder. Islamwissenschaftlerin über Ägypten und den Umgang mit seinem Staatsoberhaupt
Im inneren Kreis der Gülen-Bewegung
"Politische Lösungen im Jemen werden wahrscheinlicher"
Die Burka als europäisches Streitobjekt. Islamwissenschaftliche Einschätzungen zur Verschleierungsdebatte
Frankreichs Fehler mit dem Islam
I am Ahmed: Muslim assimilation in Europe
Abdullah war ein konservativer Modernisierer
Saudi-Arabien: Peitschenhiebe für Blogger
Wie soll die Gesellschaft mit Radikalen umgehen?
Wohin steuert Saudi-Arabien?
Zum Tod König Abdullah ibn Abd al-Aziz von Saudi Arabien
„Saudi-Arabien hat Bedrohung durch IS erkannt“
Islamisches Recht
Jemen: Humanitäre Katastrophe wird sich eher verschlechtern
Khondamir schreibt Geschichte…um
Koran to go
Lehren und Lernen (8.-15. Jh.)
Multaka: Treffpunkt Museum
Museum für Islamische Kunst
Notizbuch eines Webers
Denken und Sprache
"Die iranische Moderne" und der Westen: Philosophischer Diskurs in Berlin
Stadtgeschichte aus Biographien
Stigmatisierung in Deutschland. Der Rassismus tobt nicht nur am rechten Rand
Tell me a History
Von den Griechen lernen
“Der Koran als Text der Spätantike”
Information for prospective applicants
Recently accepted students
Information for Current Fellows
Information for Prospective Students (application / admission)
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