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Information for Current Fellows

Please follow these steps chronologically and fill in the application forms!

  1. Application for Travel Funding
  2. Approval of travel funding
  3. Application for Pre-Payment
  4. Travel
  5. Application for Reimbursement

If you need help, please read our Guidelines for Reimbursement carefully! Each step will be explained there! If you have further questions, please contact the office for help.

If we have filled all permanent positions for the upcoming semester and you have not signed up for a permanent space, you can book a table through our Flexible Desk booking system: 


Please note that you need to establish a VPN connection with FU Berlin before you can open the booking platform. 

First, please go to the entrance, and hold your transponder on the reader next to the door. Then try again. 

If it still does not work, your transponder might have expired. Please contact our office at office@bgsmcs.fu-berlin.de for help.

Please consider our guidelines for proofreading support.


Please make sure to follow the updated relevant information and guidance on the website of the PhD office of your department.

We highly recommend to schedule an appointment for your thesis defense at least 2 months ahead. You will need to contact all members of your committee and find a date that suits all. Please let us know once you have fixed a date, and if you want to book the lecture hall at the Graduate School for this purpose.

As of September 2021, it is possible to have your dissertation defense online only, in person, and in hybrid mode (meaning that part of the commission is there in person, and the rest is joining online). Please ask the PhD office of your department for updated information, as these change frequently. When preparing for an online dissertation defense, we highly recommend to schedule an additional appointment with your commission to test the technical setup (15 minutes should do).

The doctoral certificates are issued by the PhD offices at your first supervisor's department / faculty ("Fachbereich" / "Fakultät"). You need to publish your thesis, and you need to get the transcript and certificate from our programme before the certificate can be issued. It is usually possible to get an official confirmation after your dissertation defense from the PhD office, which you can use for applications.

You need to submit a credit point sheet for every activity in the modules of our curriculum to our office. We will then add the credit points, create a transcript, and the certificate. Please consider sending us your transcript at least 6-8 weeks before you need these documents. You can contact our office for support with this.