Alumni Postdoctoral Fellows
Dr. Amro Ali
(Affiliated Postdoctoral Fellow 2021)
Berlin, Arab exiles spaces, and Rethinking Knowledge Production
Annalaura Turiano
Associating to do good (‘amal al-khayri): Philanthropy activism and charitable practice in Egypt (1920-1970)
Forum Transregionale Studien: Europe in the Middle East - The Middle East in Europe (EUME)
Europe in the Middle East—the Middle East in Europe (EUME) is a multi-disciplinary research program at the Berlin-based Forum Transregionale Studien. EUME seeks to rethink key concepts and premises that link and divide Europe and the Middle East. EUME was initiated in 2006 by the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities, the Fritz Thyssen Foundation and the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin and builds upon the previous work of the Working Group Modernity and Islam (1996-2006). Between 2009 and 2019, several EUME-Fellows were associated with the BGSMCS.
Abdulrahman Helli
(2016 - 2017)
The Status of Conscience in Religiosity: A Study of the Concept of Piety (Taqwā) in the Qur'an
Nahrain al-Mousawi
(2015 - 2016)
Clandestine Mediterranean: Arab-African Undocumented Migrant Literature
Ethan Menchinger
(2014 - 2015)
Last of the Ancients, First of the Moderns: The Ottoman Historian Ahmed Vasif (ca. 1730-1806)
Başak Tuğ
(2013 - 2014)
Honor, Legal Surveillance and Modernity in the Ottoman Empire, ca. Late 18th- Mid 19th Centuries
Gish Amit
(2011 - 2012)
The future of the past: Palestinian cultural assets, restitution and the politics of reconciliation
Ahmed Fekry Ibrahim
(2011 - 2012)
School Boundaries in Islamic Law: The Struggle between Utilitarianism and Puritanism
Tamer el-Leithy
(2010 - 2011)
The Biography of a Cairene Alley: Coptic Family and Property in Muslim Courts (15th-16th c.)
Nadia Nader
(2010 - 2011)
The Mihna, the Development of Muslim Legal Discourse and Contemporary Debates about Law and Morality
Bashir Bashir
(2009 - 2010)
The Risks of Peacemaking. State-Building and Humanitarian Aid in Palestine
Freie Universität Berlin: POINT / COFUND / HONORS
Sanaa Alimia
POINT (2014 - 2016)
Street Politics, Moral Lives and Transnationalism: Afghan Refugees and Pakistani Citizens in Karachi and Peshawar
Roman Seidel
POINT (2015 - 2017)
Reading al-Ghazali from a modern perspective. Towards an integrated ‘intellectual history’ and ‘comparative philosophy’ approach in the study of contemporary philosophy in the Middle East
Salma Siddique
POINT (2016 - 2017)
An Evacuee Cinema: Film genre and aesthetics in post-Partition Lahore (1950-1960)
Soofia Siddique
POINT (2016 - 2017)
A Study of Male Muslim Modernity and Publicity through Later Nineteenth Century Urdu Writing
Aleksandra Lewicki
POINT (2016 - 2017)
Care Ethics and the Production of Racial and Moral ‘Others’ in Institutional Life
Husnul Amin
COFUND (2013 - 2014)
From Islamism to Post-Islamism. A study of a new intellectual Discourse on Islam and Modernity in Pakistan.
Hassan Ndzovu
COFUND (2013 - 2014)
Religion and Politics: A Critical Study of the Politicization of Islam in Kenya.
Hanan Toukan
COFUND (2014 - 2016)
From Visualisation to Mobilisation: The Case of Palestine in a Transnational Context Explored
Olly Akkerman
HONORS (2015 - 2016)
From Sacred to Secret. Bohra Textual Practice and the Language of Secrecy
Mohamed Eissa
HONORS (2016 - 2017)
Mosque, Church, and State: Coptic and Muslim Debates on the Politics of Religion in Egypt
Benedikt Pontzen
HONORS (2015)
Rethinking African Traditional Religion. The Changing Presence and History of a Transregional Phenomenon
Rune Reyhé
HONORS (2014 - 2015)
Saskia Schäfer
HONORS (2015)
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Stijn van Huis
(2015 - 2016)
Judge-led reforms? Court judgments about Islamic courts and Muslim family law during the Dutch East Indies
Lorenz Graitl
(2013 - 2014)
Mediatization of Politics and the Role of Muslims in the Telangana Conflict in Andhara Pradesh/India
Antje Missbach
Long-distance Politics and their Impacts on Homelands: the Acehnese Diaspora between Conflict and Peace Support
Elisa Tullia Bertuzzo
(2008 - 2009)
Making the City Rallying in it – Public Festivals between Production of Space and Negotiation of Identity in South Asia
Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient (ZMO)
Chanfi Ahmed
The Role of West African ulama in Mecca and Medina in the 19th and 20th Centuries.
Hatsuki Aishima
(2010 - 2011)
Karate as a Vehicle to Modernity? Islam, Art and Body Culture in Contemporary Egypt.
Yasmine Berriane
(2011 - 2012)
Women Contesting Customary Law in Morocco: Towards a Renewed Participatory Sphere? The Soualiyates Movement
Jörg Matthias Determann
(2012 - 2013)
New Science in Arabia: Networks in the History of Biology in the Gulf
Britta Frede
(2013 - 2014 & 2015 - 2017)
Out of Nouakchott: Female scholars as mediators of Islam in contemporary Mauritania
Feras Krimsti
Man and Society in Early Modern Arabic Travelogues and the Res Publica Literaria between Aleppo, Istanbul and Paris
Amélie Le Renard
Women's Access to Urban Public Spaces and the Transformation of Gendered Lifestyles in Saudi Arabia
Samuli Schielke
The Writing of Lives: Motivations and Consequences of Literary Writing in Alexandria after 2011