Dr. Danilo Marino
Murūʾa and Masculinity in the Mamlūk Period (1252-1517)
Danilo completed his doctoral thesis Raconter le haschich dans l'époque mamelouke. Étude et édition critique partielle de la Rāḥat al-arwāḥ fī l-ḥašīš wa-l-rāḥ de Taqī al-Dīn Abū l-Tuqā al-Badrī (847-894/1443-1489) at Inalco in Paris and Università degli Studi di Napoli "L'Orientale" in May 2015. His main interests are in medieval representations of marginality, medieval literary renditions of inebriation, dreams, emotions, mujūn and homoerotic literature, jocular literature in pre-modern Arabic prose, along with textual criticism in connection with medieval Arabic manuscripts, gender and masculinities studies in the pre-modern Arabic context.
Murūʾa and Masculinity in the Mamlūk Period (1252-1517)
My current research aims at studying the reception of murūʿa (also spelled muruwwa) in a certain number of historical and literary sources compiled during the Mamlūk period (1252-1517). This project intends on the one hand to reread the primary sources that have been reviewed before, and, on the other, to extend the analysis of the reception of murūʾa in the Mamlūk period. The goal of this endeavour is to study the evolution of this notion over time and through the lens of the masculinities studies.
List of Publications
Peer-reviewed published articles:
- L'humour dans l'Égypte mamelouke. Le Nuzhat al-nufūs wa-muḍḥik al-ʿabūs d'Ibn Sūdūn al-Bašbuġāwī, in Arabic and Islamic Studies in Europe and Beyond - Études arabes et islamiques en Europe et au-delà, Maurus Reinkowski, Monika Winet and Sevinç Yasargil (eds.). Proceedings of the 26th Congress of Union Européenne des Arabisants et Islamisants (UEAI), Basel 2012, Leuven-Paris-Bristol: Peeters, 2016.
- Raconter l’ivresse à l’époque mamelouke. Les mangeurs de haschich comme motif littéraire, Annales Islamologiques 49 (2015), 55-80.
- Il Cairo, tra realismo e allegoria nella narrativa di Nağīb Maḥfūẓ e ʿAlāʾ al-Aswānī, in Landscapes and Mindscapes. Metodologie di ricerca, percorsi geo-centrati e poetiche dello spazio in una prospettiva comparata, Stefania De Lucia, Carmen Gallo and Danilo Marino (eds.), Napoli: Marchesi Editore, 2014, 35-50.
- Le forme della censura religiosa nell’Egitto moderno. Il caso di Awlād Ḥāratinā (1959) di Nağīb Maḥfūẓ (1911-2006), Between 2, no. 3 (May 2012), http://ojs.unica.it/index.php/between/article/view/384/393.
Under Review:
- Le plaisir de l'ivresse. Haschich et littérature homoérotique dans l'époque mamelouke, in Words of Desire: The Language of Arabic Erotica and its Translations, Frédéric Lagrange and Claire Savina (eds.), Diacritiques Editions, Paris [forthcoming].
- Hashish and Food: Arabic and European Medieval Dreams of Edible Paradises, in Insatiable Appetite: Food as a Cultural Signifier, Kirill Dmitriev, Julia Hauser and Bilal Orfali (eds.), Brill [forthcoming].
- Hashish and Homoerotic Desire in Pre-Modern Arab Society, in Sexual Norms in the Arab World. Desire and Transgression in Islamic Cultures, Aymon Kreil, Lucia Sorbera and Serena Tolino (eds.), I. B. Tauris, London [forthcoming].
- "Intoxicants, Islamic World", in The Routledge Medieval Encyclopedia Online (RMEO), Josef Meri (ed.), Routledge Online, [forthcoming].