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Jahrgang 2021

Aslı Altınışık

(Elsa Neumann Stipendiatin)

Multisensorial Experiences on an Affective Island: Democracy and Liberties Island in Istanbul


Nagat Emara

(Gerda Henkel Stipendiatin)

A study of epistemological transformations of Islamic knowledge production in the western diasporic context during the interwar period 1918–1939


Iftikhar Hussain


Divided Families and Belonging in Kargil


Khouloud Khalfallah

Classifying the Variety of the Arabic Versions of Kalīla wa-Dimna


T. P. Muhammad Ashraf

(DAAD Stipendiat)

Channelling Piety and Progress: Migration, Organised Religion, and the South Indian Migrant Islamic Groups in the Arabian Gulf

Muhammad Ashraf Thachara Padikkal

Muhammed Vural

(Stipendiat des Avicenna-Studienwerks)

Theoretical Foundations of Islamic Biomedical Ethics – the Case of Brain Death and Organ Transplantation


Felix Wessel

(Stipendiat der Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung)

From Guilds to Trade Unions. Labour Organization in Syria in the late Ottoman Empire and under the French Mandate


Okcan Yıldırımtürk

(Gerda Henkel Stipendiat)

Re-Imagining Famagusta during the late Ottoman and early British rule in Cyprus: A Ruined City between Communities and Empires


Mehmet Özgün Özkul

(Elsa-Neumann Stipendiat)

New Spaces, New Actors: Religious Authority in the Age of Digitalization
