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Lecture Series: Researching Asia - Digital Research Methods in (Post-)Pandemic Times

Your are cordially invited to a lecture series coordinated by the Working Group "Researching Asia in Times of a Pandemic" by Andrea Fleschenberg (HU), Sarah Holz (HU) and Salman Khan (King's College).

News from Jun 07, 2022

03.06.2022: "Navigating Fieldwork During the Pandemic − Notes from the Field" (with Mutmainna Syam and Saskia Schäfer, HU/IAAW)

10.06.2022: "A Feminist Ethics of Care in Digital Anthropology: Notes from (Online) Indonesia" (with Wikke Jansen, RePLITO Fellow at HU/IAAW and Doctoral Fellow BGSMCS)

17.06.2022: "Patchwork Ethnography" (with Gökçe Günel, Rice University)

01.07.2022: Fishbowl Talk on "Researching Asia in Pandemic Times − the Triple Crunch of ECRs" (with Laurent Glattli, Esra Sözalmaz Tiryaki, Mateeullah Tareen, Abdullah Athayi and Lina Knorr, Doctoral Fellows at HU/IAAW)

08.07.2022: Fishbowl Talk on "Navigating Mixed Fields − Shifting Offline and Online Fields, Methodical Considerations and Ethics Thereof" (with Faiza Muhammad Din, Postdoc Fellow at HU/IAAW, Sher Mohammad, DAAD Postdoc Visiting Fellow at HU/ZtG, and Sumrin Kalia, Postdoc Fellow, London School of Economics)

The events will be held in a hybrid format at IAAW (HU) and via Zoom.
Room info: Room 315, IAAW, Invalidenstraße 118, 10115 Berlin.
Zoom link, Meeting-ID: 651 6355 1992.

Please find more information about the coordinating working group here.

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