Dr. Amro Ali

(Affiliierter Postdoktorand 2021)
Berlin, Arab exiles spaces, and Rethinking Knowledge Production
Dr. Amro Ali is a research fellow at the Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies. His work takes a sociological-philosophical approach that examines the emerging exile spaces in Berlin and mapping out the ideational formations and knowledge production among exiles from the Arab world.
Amro Ali is a sociologist at the American University in Cairo and a member of the Arab-German Young Academy of Sciences. Previously, he was an Andrew W. Mellon fellow at the American University in Cairo, and a fellow at the Berlin Social Science Center (WZB). He received his doctorate from the University of Sydney which examined the role of Alexandria’s historical imaginaries and the changing public spaces. His research interests include Arab public spheres, Mediterranean studies, global studies, cities, citizenship, exile, technological modernity, and sociological-philosophy. His work can be found on his personal website.
Ali, Amro. “Freedom and the Decay of Time: Approaching the Islamic Prayer through Nietzsche, Heidegger, and Han” in Faith Travels, Eds Stefan Maneval (Forthcoming summer 2021).
Ali, Amro. “Kinetic Karama: Bargaining for Dignity in the Pursuit of a New Arab Social Contract” in The Modern Arab State: A Decade of Uprisings in the Middle East and North Africa. Eds. Youssef Cherif. (Berlin: Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, 2021). Available for free as an eBook.
Ali, Amro. “Bringing Philosophy and Sociology to the Egyptian Public,” TRAFO Transnational Research (April 2021) https://trafo.hypotheses.org/28053
Ali, Amro. “Mo Salah, a Moral Somebody?” in Global Middle East: Into the Twenty-First Century. Eds. Bayat, Asef. Herrera, Linda. (Berkley: University of California Press, 2021).
Ali, Amro. “Redeeming Civil Society and Social Movements in the Mediterranean in an Era of Techno-Fundamentalism” European Institute of the Mediterranean, (December 2020). https://www.iemed.org/publicacions-en/historic-de-publicacions/papersiemed/25.-re-envisioning-civil-society-and-social-movements-in-the-mediterranean-in-an-era-of-techno-fundamental
Ali, Amro. Review of Identifying with Nationality: Europeans, Ottomans, and Egyptians in Alexandria, by Will Hanley (New York: Columbia University Press, 2017). Pp. xiv, 391.
DOI https://doi.org/10.24847/77i2020.251
On the Need to Shape the Arab Exile Body in Berlin
Dis:orient (23 January 2019)
Ali, Amro, “Denmark Enters Frightening Territory With ‘Ghetto’ Policies”, TIME (3 July 2018) http://time.com/5329100/denmark-ghetto-policies-liberal-europe/
Ali, AMro, "Unhappiness and Mohamed Salah’s Egypt"
Mada Masr, Open Democracy, Internazionale (Italian) (12 June 2018)
Ali, Amro and El-Sharnouby, Dina. “Distorting Digital Citizenship: Khaled Said, Facebook, and Egypt’s Streets” in Wired Citizenship: Youth Learning and Activism in the Middle East. Eds. Herrera, Linda (London: Routledge, 2014).